As an expert for media systems on Amazon Web Services, LOGIC accompanied the premiere event of the new music and event platform from 19.03.2021 - 21.03.2021, where exclusive music art was auctioned via NFT.

Highlights of the streaming party, which lasted over 45 hours, were the opening DJ set by 3LAU and the closing set by DJs Gramatik & Luxas, which was auctioned off via NFT. streamed music videos from thirteen exclusive clubs worldwide such as Cavo Paradiso, Versuz, Noa Beach Club, Tenax, Club der Visionaere and the biggest club around the world, Privilege Ibiza. For this, cooperated with blockchain and bitcoin experts Bitpay, OpenSea and Theta.
LOGIC's task was to analyze, maintain and support the entire media supply chain on AWS throughout the event 24 hours a day.
For this, the new PORTAL.monitor module was used. It allows AWS Media Supply Chains to be displayed graphically and monitored in the event of an error.

Raluca Cherciu, CEO of was pleased with the accurate and clean collaboration with LOGIC. "It was good to know to have a highly qualified partner for media infrastructures on Amazon Web Services like LOGIC on board for our premiere," Cherciu said after the successful event.
"It's very interesting to see how blockchain and motion picture come together nowadays and how we can support such requirements," said Jens Gnad, Managing Director at LOGIC media solutions GmbH.