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European League of Football Season 2022 novel media uses LOGIC PORTAL for automated VOD Rec

The second season of the European League Football is currently providing many interesting games for American football fans around the world. Over 500 million fans worldwide will be able to watch the games live or re-live! Twelve teams from five European countries are still fighting for the title until the final on September 25 in Klagenfurt. The production partner of the league, novel media, uses the frontend PORTAL.easystream from LOGIC media solutions to provide the VoD streams of the matches. PORTAL.easystream is a frontend that makes live streaming via AWS easily accessible and maintainable. For the matches of the European League of Football, novel media uses PORTAL.easystream to record the VoD content of the matches. The streams are recorded with PORTAL, transcoded and then made available for VoD channels, among others, to subscribers of the League's Game Passes or other streaming partners in different language versions. The entire workflow is designed to be as automated as possible.

Levon Melikian of novel media comments on the use of PORTAL.easystream: "PORTAL supports us in making the production and OTT systems as efficient as possible in order to provide the fans of the European League of Football with the matches of their favorite teams as quickly as possible." Zeljko Karajica, founder of the league adds, "With novel media and LOGIC media solutions we have two excellent partners on board who stand for production reliability and quality of live matches."

The workflow within PORTAL.easystream is configured to automatically start recording as soon as a stream arrives. This recording is generated as a growing TS file and transcoding starts as soon as the incoming stream is stopped. The system picks up the finished PGM signal, dubbed with different languages, as a stream on the input side. Depending on the games or content partners, German, English, Spanish, Polish or Turkish versions are provided. During transcoding in PORTAL, both an MPEG-4 and an MXF file are generated, also in different language versions. The streams are automatically exported in the desired language versions to various file servers or streaming service providers and thus made available to further content exploiters.

The PORTAL frontend is browser-based and connects the delivered streams with AWS MediaServices. The system can thus be accessed from any location and the frontend facilitates the handling of the systems enormously.

More information about novel media can be found here:

More about Framework LOGIC PORTAL can be found here:

More information about the European League of Football can be found here:

About novel media

novel media GmbH produces TV spots, image films and explainer videos for small and medium-sized companies as well as documentaries, program trailers and design elements for TV stations and TV shows.

One of its subsidiaries is contenthouse GmbH, which among other things produces the martial arts special interest channel ranFIGHTING and designs, shoots and post-produces all video content, trailers and sports documentaries for the newly founded EUROPEAN LEAGUE OF FOOTBALL. novel media produces a monthly output of approx. 50 hours of TV programming.

More information about novel media can be found here:

About LOGIC media solutions GmbH

LOGIC is a German system architect for professional moving image solutions. After more than 20 years in the market, LOGIC is one of the leading resellers and designers of complex and sophisticated media landscapes. With a dedicated team, LOGIC also leads the migration of professional media production to the cloud.

LOGIC is a certified Amazon Web Services (AWS) reseller and consultant throughout Europe. In Germany, the company is additionally certified by AWS for the Public Sector and is thus responsible for public broadcasting, among others. LOGIC works with a number of well-known and innovative manufacturers and offers solutions for live production, file-based productions and customized workflows around the moving image. In the course of the migration to IP-based production, LOGIC takes a pioneering role and realizes the design and infrastructure with its partners.

Since 2018, LOGIC has been developing its own framework called PORTAL, through which professional media professionals can master the migration to the cloud. Through agility and the necessary technology, PORTAL makes highly complex workflows simpler, more accessible and faster to implement.


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